50/50 Draw 2024

Our 50/50 draw was held on October 13 at 12:20 pm. We sold a total of $3735.00 worth of tickets so the take home for the winner will be $1867.50. Golf board director Betty Jensma stirred all of the tickets up and Clubhouse manager Sandy Doerksen made the draw. Club president Dale Cummings witnessed and recorded the draw.

Ticket number 0029 was drawn and the winner was

Tina Tolsma of Vauxhall

Congratulations Tina.

The Vauxhall Golf and Country Club would like to thank all who purchased tickets to support our club.

#Important notice – We had a break-in at the clubhouse in early June and several books of ticket stubs were stolen along with cash. We were able to determine all people who purchased those tickets and made sure they had their name on a new ticket. There was, however one book of tickets that the seller could not remember the names on the ticket. If you have any ticket stubs from 0501 to 0520 please bring it to the clubhouse and we will reimburse your money.